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As well as musings on art and creativity in general, you’ll find tips that may make your own experience in making art easier. You’ll also find stories about the creation of some of my individual artworks. For fun, I’ve tucked in anecdotes pertaining to my Dino Jokes video series.

Ellen Nobel

A photograph of Ellen Nobel's smiling face, wearing pink glasses.
A long narrow, black and white painting broken into three segments. The furthest right image is that of Adam from Michelangelo's painting Creation of Adam. The center and furthest left images are pixelated versions of Adam, which shows a progression from a highly pixelated, unrecognizable image on the left to the complete image on the right, indicated that, like Adam here, we are all a work in progress.

Work in Progress 20″ x 60″ Acrylic

Since I could hold a crayon, I knew I was an artist. My painting, shown below my photo, succinctly illustrates my journey through life, both as an artist and in my life in general.

The progression from left to right in the painting reveals the refining and perfecting of the image of Michelangelo’s Adam through time, from unreadable pixels on the left to a fully rendered person on the right. Throughout my life, I am a Work in Progress.      Learning. Failing. Mastering. Exploring.

The pixels at the left side of the painting are like blank slates, offering little information, yet they do hint at the final image.

The image on the last panel on the right side is clearly revealed, but is not yet in color. As long as I live, I remain a work in progress.

The Lord isn’t done with me yet!

Describe My Art?

I’m often asked, “What kind of art do you do?” My response typically begins with a version of “Umm…” Then I explain that my art falls under the vague umbrella of Contemporary Art.

When I begin a painting or another project, I feel like I’m about to open a gift. As is made clear in the photo below, I cannot lock myself into a single style or subject matter. I love it all. I want to try it all. Explore.

The one consistent element in all my work is The Question: What is the story? What does it mean? I invite you to check out my Blog (NOTE: my blogs are posted on a separate site: Art with Another Ellen: My Blog). There, I write anecdotes and stories about my paintings, including many art works not featured in the Gallery in this site. In that Blog site, I also write about tips and discoveries about art and creativity. You will also find posts about dinosaurs and my experiences creating my Dino Jokes with Oma video series.

More than anything, I hope you will enjoy what I offer. I look forward to hearing your thoughts and comments.

BIO: When Ellen was a mere toddler, her parents decided that Canada’s winters would be a fine adventure—so different from the moderate climate of The Netherlands to which they had been accustomed. The heritage of Rembrandt mixed with the pop culture of North America proved to be fertile ground for a life filled with art.

Ellen studied at the Alberta College of Art & Design (ACAD), earned her BFA at the University of Calgary, and supplemented her knowledge with studies to implement the therapeutic use of art.

She has exhibited her work in numerous galleries, including a two-year traveling art show, and her work is included in private and corporate collections, both here and abroad. 

Without the unwavering support of her husband and their two sons and their families (and cuddles from their many cats), Ellen could not have accomplished all that she had. 

Many more stories about my art and my life as an artist are posted in my Blog!

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